This calculator provides an estimate only and does not constitute a loan offer. Actual repayment amounts may vary depending on your individual circumstances and lender terms. Calculation includes 30% balloon.
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After receiving all the necessary details, we aim to provide approval within 24 hours. Let us know your preferred timeline, and we will work together to achieve your funding goals.
Certainly! Complete the Truck Finance Pre-Approval form on this page, and we’ll contact you straight away to explore your options.
A balloon payment refers to a deferred instalment payment structure, wherein the borrower makes reduced monthly repayments throughout the loan term, culminating in a substantial single price at the end. Usually constituting around 30% of the initially financed amount, this final payment can be settled through cash, refinancing, or replacing the asset by selling it and acquiring a new one. Small business owners often favour these loans due to their lower monthly payments, providing a more manageable repayment structure.
Yes, trucks can be financed anywhere in Australia, irrespective of the business or truck’s location. However, to mitigate transaction risks, either you or your representative must inspect the truck beforehand, ensuring its existence and avoiding any unexpected issues.
Financing a new venture is possible without a deposit, particularly for individuals with substantial industry experience. However, in most cases, a 20% deposit is typically required. Additionally, borrowers are usually expected to provide evidence of their expertise in the industry and secure a commitment from a reliable work source willing to endorse the work to be undertaken with the new truck.
Give us a call! QPF’s Lender Panel is one of the most comprehensive in the industry, providing you with the advantages of our extensive experience. With over $1 billion in loans settled in 2023 and an unparalleled lender panel, we have access to market-leading rates.
You can borrow up to 100% of the purchase value of your truck and/or trailer, including extras like insurance. At QPF, we not only provide financial assistance but also have an insurance team that can support you from quotes to claims.
The average truck loan term is five years. You can choose shorter or longer periods depending on your needs and circumstances.
We pride ourselves on simplifying the truck finance process with minimal paperwork. Complete the Pre-Approval form on this page, and we’ll reach out to you over the phone to gather the necessary details.
Absolutely! We strive to customise a flexible truck loan that aligns with your requirements. Call us at 1300 736 780 to discuss the various options available.
Yes, truck finance is available without a deposit. No-deposit loans are typically only offered to established business entities with a good credit score. Low Doc No deposit truck finance is also available.
Yes, we offer car loans as long as the car is essential for business use. We also specialise in consumer loans for personal car purchases.
Yes, some lenders specialise in truck finance for individuals with a history of credit challenges. While these lenders may charge higher interest rates, they provide an opportunity to rebuild your credit rating. Opting for such financing can be a valuable step toward restoring your creditworthiness, eventually enabling you to access more affordable lending options in the future.